Molecular Partners is currently conducting clinical trials that you may be aware of and interested in participating in. Information about Molecular Partners clinical trials can be found on and on If you are interested in participating in a Molecular Partners clinical trial and would like more information, or if you have any questions about the trial, please talk to your doctor.
Should you wish to make specific inquiries about our clinical trials you can also contact us at We are committed to responding promptly to all inquiries and within 3 business days. In our response, we can help guide you to potential clinical trial sites and experts where our study is available. However, we are unable to confirm whether the clinical trial is suitable for you. Your case must always be discussed directly with the potential expert or clinical trial site, rather than with the company..
Please DO NOT send personal information (e.g., name, address, date of birth) or details about your medical condition to Molecular Partners. Privacy laws require us to delete such information immediately if it is received outside the secure data collection systems of a clinical trial.